We enable lenders to support the type of world they believe in while also earning a return.
A new platform drawing on years of experience and innovation
Between us, we have decades of experience working with impact enterprises around the world, and understand their challenge in accessing capital at the right time, on the right terms, to fuel their growth and meet business needs. We also share a belief in, and commitment to, the power of the crowd and community. Democratising participation in impact investment is necessary to create lasting community wealth. LendForGood brings together our abilities, insights and ambition to forge a new way for people to collaborate to create the world they want to live in.
Please read our FAQ and Public Statement here.
Placed $3.1M in 60 deals over the last 6.5 years, across 21 clients and in collaboration with 100 investors.
1139 crowdfunding projects funded around the world, raising US$12.5 million over the last 10 years.